Reading List
A few books that I have read in the past which have been left a huge impact on me.
Also a couple that I am currently engaged with. I try and read every book that I own, so this
list is not comprehensive :)
[ ] Introduction to Topology. Bert Mendelson. 1990.
[ ] Small Signal Audio Design. Douglas Self. 2020.
[ ] Complex Analysis. Theodore W. Gamelin. 2001.
[ ] Geometry: A Comprehensive Course. Dan Pedoe. 1988.
[ ] The Creative Act. Rick Rubin. 2023
[X] Cat's Cradle. Kurt Vonnegut. 1963.
[X] The Torrents of Spring. Ernest Hemingway. 1926.
[X] All Men Are Brothers. Mahatma Gandhi. 1960.
[X] The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told to Alex Haley). Alex Haley. 1992.
[X] The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK Jr. 1998.
[X] Walden. Henry David Thoreau. 1854.
[X] Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered. E.F. Schumacher. 1973.
[X] Republic. Plato. 375 BCE.
[X] Crime and Punishment. Fyodor Dostoevsky. 1866.
[X] The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Leo Tolstoy. 1886.
[X] On Politics. St. Thomas Aquinas.
[X] Old Man and The Sea. Ernest Hemingway. 1952
[X] Letters to a Young Poet. Rainer Maria Rilke. 1929.
[X] Hunger. Knut Hamsun. 1890.
[X] A Sand County Almanac. Aldo Leopold. 1949.
[X] Twelve Steps to Political Revelation. Walter Mosley.
[X] St. Francis of Assisi and Nature. Roger D Sorrell. 2009.