
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Palo Alto Networks Certified Security Automation Engineer (PCSAE)

Certified Jr. Penetration Tester

Master Composter; New York Botanical Garden

Graduate Courses

ECEG 799 Master's Thesis Research

Research into the polarization of light and its use in computer imaging for the purposes of quantifying physilogical properties of vegetation such as the Relative Water Content of vegetation. Applications to Precision Agriculture, Remote Sensing, and Computer Imaging.

ECEG 792 Adv Proj Electrical/Comp Engr

Duration: 15 weeks, Research with an advisor into the polarization properties of light, Stokes polarimetry, Mueller Matrices, Jones Vectors. Laboratory experiments and measurements.

ECEG 792 Adv Proj:Underwater Vis System

Duration: 15 weeks, Independent study project which built on the fundamentals of computer vision and imaging to include topics in polarization of light.

ECEG 742 Computer Vision & Imaging

Duration: 15 weeks, Detection, image formation, and engineering design of vision and imaging sensors and systems. Unmanned aerial and underwater imaging systems, biomedical image recognition, medical image understanding, inspection, and robotics applications.

ECEG 702. Signals, Systems and Transforms II

Duration: 15 weeks, Discrete-time signals and systems; discrete convolution; sampling and quantizing;Z-transform;discrete Fourier transform; Fast Fourier transform; state space techniques for discrete-time systems; controllability and observability; stability.

ECEG 701. Signals, Systems, and Transforms I

Duration: 15 weeks, Description and analysis of continuous-time signals and systems in the time and the frequency domains' Laplace transforms:inversion of transforms by coplex integrative; application to lumped and distributed parameter systems;analysis of continuous-time linear systems using state space techniques; controllability and observability : stability analysis.

ECEG 710 Probability & Stochastic Proc

Duration: 15 weeks, Random variables, distribution and density functions: functions of random variables;random processes'stationarity, ergodicity, correlation functions and power spectra' noise theory'system analysis with stochastic inputs: Gaussian, Markoff and Poisson processes.

ECEG 709 Linear Mathematical Methods

Duration: 15 weeks, Matrix calculations; linear systems and linear vector spaces; operators and their representation; function of operators and matrices; systems of differential equations; Eigen function representations; electrical engineering applications.

ECEG 706. Radiation and Optics

Duration: 15 weeks, Radiation and simple radiating systems, wave optics, interference and diffraction: first order and higher order coherence functions; Fourier optics, properties of coherent optical beams.

Undergraduate Courses

EECE 411. Capstone Design

Project in a group setting which involved the building of a sensor network for monitoring the conditions of the rooftop greenshouses which produced food for the schools cafeteria. Various parameters of soil, weather, and environment were collected by remote sensors which were feed back to a central computer for analysis.

EECE 321 Embedded Systems Design

This software-hardware oriented course emphasizes the components and techniques used in the embedded systems with applications in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Topics include embedded system architectures, WSN topologies and implementation techniques, IoT system architecture, and software implementation using the C programming language.

EECE 315 Probability & Statistics

Basic concepts of probability theory, discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, moments, and characteristic functions. Empirical distribution functions. Parameter estimation and measures of their quality. Confidence limits. Linear regression. Hypothesis testing and statistical approaches to engineering decisions.

EECE 326 Instrumentation Systems

Detection, acquisition, and analysis of information from the environment. Topics will include: sensors and measurement methods, instrumentation and transducers for the measurement of signals, information conditioning, computer control of data acquisition, and interpretation of results.

EECE 311 Applied Electromagnetics

An introduction to the principles of Electromagnetics with particular emphasis on waves and their applications. Topics will be chosen from: nature of electromagnetism; fields; transmission lines (lumped parameter models, lossless lines, open- and short-circuit models, standing wave ratios, transient responses, impedance matching); radiation; fiber optics; telecommunication systems.

EECE 307 Mathematical Methods

Vectors and vector analysis. The del operator and gradient, divergence, and curl operations, The Divergence Theorem and Stokes' Theorem. Line, surface, and volume integrals. Fundamentals of linear algebra, vector spaces, dimension, and rank. Matrix operations, inversion techniques. Systems of equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. matrix diagonalization and systems of differential equations

EECE 303 Signals & Systems I

Modeling and analysis of continuous-time systems. Convolution of signals and representation of linear time invariant systems. Fourier series. The Fourier Transform and its applications. The Laplace Transform and its applications to continuous-time systems. Stability of continuous time systems.

EECE 304 Signals & Systems II

The Sampling Theorem. The Z-Transform and discrete-time systems analysis. Stability of discrete-time systems. Design of analog and digital filters. The Discrete Fourier Transform and its applications. The Fast Fourier Transform. State-space analysis.

EECE 305 Electronic Systems I

Terminal characteristics of solid-state devices. Power supply design. Transistor circuit biasing. Graphical analysis of transistor circuits. Small signal transistor circuit models and gain analysis.

EECE 306 Electronic Systems II

Multistage transistor circuit analysis and design. Frequency response of electronic circuits. Operational amplifiers. Power amplifiers. Digital electronic circuits. Selected lab sessions during the semester.

EECE 201 Fundmtls Of Elec Syst Analysis

This course is an introduction to basic concepts of Electrical Networks, including Kirchoff’s Laws, fundamental analysis of resistive networks using nodal and loop analysis, Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Theorems. Introduction to operational amplifiers as well as capacitive and inductive networks. Transient analysis of first-order systems. PSPICE will be employed for the analysis of electrical networks. Three hours of lecture per week and three-four lab sessions during the semester.

EECE 203 Electrical System Analysis II

Building on the concepts in EECE 201, this course is an introduction to the transient behavior of 1st and 2nd order systems; AC steady state analysis in the frequency domain; power considerations in single and polyphase circuits; and transformers and magnetically coupled networks. PSpice will be employed for the analysis of electrical networks.

EECE 232 Computer System,Org&Design

This course presents register transfer systems and datapaths, microprocessors, microprocessor architecture and operation, instruction formats, assembly language programming, procedures and parameter passing, system bus timing, interfacing memory and I/O ports, serial and parallel data transfer, and interrupts. C-language programming for hardware device interfacing is introduced.

MATH 272 Linear Algebra I

Linear equations and matrices, vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, bases, dimension, inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonal matrices and diagonalization.

MATH 286 Differential Equations

This course focuses on techniques of solving first-order, second-order, and systems of first-order linear differential equations. Methods include separation of variables, variation of parameters, and the Laplace transform.

MATH 285 Calculus III

Algebraic and geometric aspects of vectors, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, vector calculus, line integrals, Green’s Theorem.

MATH 104 Calculus II

Applications of the definite integral, integration techniques, improper integrals, and infinite sequences and series.

MATH 103 Calculus I

Limits, transcendental functions, continuity, derivatives and their applications, an introduction to the definite integral, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

CMPT 102 Computer Science II

An introduction to advance programming concepts using the C++ language. Topics include pointers, structured data, classes, inheritance, poloymorphism, exceptions, templates, and recursion

PHYS 101 Physics I

A calculus approach to the basic concepts of mechanics.

PHYS 102 Physics II

A calculus approach to the basic concepts of electricity and magnetism